Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Historical Garments (Draped/Tailored)
My First draped garment that I wanted to share is shown on this statue. This statue in of Pallas Athena velletri. This dress has brought out a lot of layers around the waist and gives a draping affect. It almost seems like most of the outfit is just laid on her and has a simple belt for the waist.

I know I already showed a Greek goddess but I felt that this statue had a very unique look as well. This is the statue of Eirene, also know as the goddess of peace. The other dress had more draping towards the bottom and this one seems to have more of the activity in the top portion.

This picture is done by Edward Lane from his "description of Egypt". This picture is a great visual for draping it shows how they really just let the material hAdd Imageang. Even with the belt it doesn't have a fit look to it.

Now when it comes to the tailored look I decided to show the Washington family. George and Martha both have a very fit and tailored look. The mens outfits at this time were very form fitting with even a vest underneath the tailored jackets. Martha on the other had a fitted dress from the waistline up. In this time they still wore the voluminous skirt with a corset like top.

This image is of Queen Victoria. I felt she was good visual for a tailored dress due to the corset top. Very similar to Martha Washington but almost a hundred years apart.

My last visual is of the one and only Coco Chanel. Coca is well know very her tailored suits. This picture is from the early 1900's and still the tailored suits continue to be very popular.

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